New Gas for Climate Market State and Trends report – Join the webinar on the 16th of December
Gas for Climate is delighted to present to you our first market state and trends report on renewable and low-carbon gases in Europe – a first-of-a-kind comprehensive overview of current developments across the biomethane and green and blue hydrogen supply chains in the light of the 2030 decarbonisation pathway. The report will launch on the […]
Gas for Climate hosts Industry Workshop on the 21st of February
On the 21st of February the Gas for Climate consortium will organize a workshop in Brussels to discuss the draft findings of our new study, by Navigant ‘a Guidehouse company’, with a range of industry stakeholders. The new study describes Pathway scenarios to scale up the deployment of biomethane and hydrogen in industry, electricity production, […]
Gas for Climate presents the benefits of renewable and low carbon gas in the future energy system at COP24
The Gas for Climate consortium presented its vision on the role of renewable and low-carbon gas in the future decarbonised energy system at COP24 in Katowice, Poland. The main aim of this edition of the annual UN climate conference is ensuring the full implementation of the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature increase to well […]
European gas infrastructure companies and renewable gas producers: ‘save billions of euros by setting ambitious target for renewable gas’
At an event organised by the Gas for Climate consortium in Brussels, European Commissioner for Climate & Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete highlighted last night that gas and existing gas infrastructure will play an important role in the future EU energy system Action Plan Gas for Climate presents measures for large scale up of renewable gas […]
Gas for Climate Event – 26th September 2018
On September 26th the Gas for Climate consortium will organise a seminar on the role of renewable and low-carbon gas in a decarbonised EU energy system. We are delighted to have Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete as keynote speaker. 26th of September, 3:30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. Followed by networking drinks and an innovation market. Royal Flemish […]